Presider: Msgr. Joseph G. Celano
Chairperson: Patricia C. Jannuzzi
Fr. Joseph Illes, Lillian Burgos, Kevin Dugan, Joan Kopil, David Lang, Theresa Domider, Rogel Bautista.
Contact: Patricia Jannuzzi 908-725-1112 ext. 1124, [email protected]
The main mission of the NEPC is to foster quality pastoral ministry among all members of our church and thereby promote the name, person and mission of Jesus Christ. The council will assist the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing implementation of the New Evangelization within our parish for all parishioners. The NEPC will consist of three commissions which are: Discipleship Commission (prayer, faith formation), Stewardship Commission (tithing, time, talent, treasure, vocational, pastoral and parish life formation) and lay Apostleship Commission (missionary formation). Appointed by Pastor.
“It was from the stewardship initiative that the New Evangelization Pastoral Council emerged.” Monsignor Brennan reflects that “Stewardship is the disciples’ response…so we need to be good disciples first and evangelize the people in our own community. This is top on my agenda.”
In the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, the Second Vatican Council states: “Pastors should recognize and promote the dignity and responsibility of the laity in the Church. They should willingly use their prudent advice and confidently assign duties to them in the service of the Church, leaving them freedom and scope for acting. Indeed, they should give them courage to undertake works on their own initiative…Each individual laymen must be a witness before the world to the Resurrection and Life of the Lord Jesus, and a sign of the Living God.”(#37 and 38).
On Pentecost Sunday, May 11, 2008, Monsignor Brennan commissioned the New Evangelization Pastoral Council. He described the function of this Council , which is “to assist the pastor in developing the gifts of all parishioners and making disciples who will become good stewards of their gifts and enthusiastic apostles of Jesus Christ.” The first meeting of the Council took place on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima , May 13, 2008.
Monsignor Brennan believes that, “by faithfulness to the Eucharist, through study and collaboration, this New Evangelization Pastoral Council can become a leaven” to bring about a new springtime.