Join us on the first Saturday of each month to pray the Rosary For Life. We join together in prayer directly following the 8:00 am Mass in the Church.
Our parish has a dedicated Pro-Life Outreach Ministry. This group actively participates in the annual Life Chain event in October, the promotion of the annual March for Life in Washington, various postcard campaigns, the May Crib collection of different baby items for the Pregnancy Aid Center, the promotion of Project Rachael, Priests for Life, and our annual “baby bottle boomerang” fundraiser.
Today, more than ever, there is a need for ongoing education, advocacy, and prayer to ensure that this critical issue is kept in the forefront of our consciousness. We must oppose the laws that endanger the lives of the innocent and desensitize our society to the truth that all life is, as Pope John Paul II reminds us, “unique, precious, and unrepeatable.” Life issues are among the most important to us as Catholics, and it is crucial that we actively show our commitment and support to promote change in a way that will protect the pre-born and inspire a better appreciation for the value of all life. When we reflect on the needs of the poor and the neglected, the unborn are surely the poorest of the poor. We must have the courage and compassion to protect them.